Each Energy Bouquet contains a compilation of about 20 essential oils that all have the same Energy footprint. Designed to enhance your own unique Energy Wellness via the suggested Energy Waves in our Energy Profile. Pure and concentrated each bottle contains 600 flower petals. One drop lasts about 6 hours on the wearer.
Directions for use: Apply 2-3 drops onto pulse points to vibrate at your highest frequency throughout the day. Combine with other Phia products in your preferred energy bouquet for the optimal energy experience. Add 1 drop to a quarter-size amount of Chia Jojoba Body Scrub and massage onto your skin. Energy Bouquets can be added to baths, essential oil diffusers or unscented products..
Ingredient Profile: Essential Oils (essences) have a wide reputation for being calming, stimulating, &/or anti-microbial depending on the oil in question. We’ve taken things a step further and categorized essences into 6 distinct Energy Waves. Based off proprietor research done by Michelle Roark on the energy emissions of essences.
Energy Wave:
180 kJ/mol – Grounding – Sandalwood, Star Anise, Cedar
200 kJ/mol – Adventure – Fig, Mango, Mandarin Orange
220 kJ/mol – Focus – Tuberose, Amber, White Lotus
240 kJ/mol – Balance – Gardenia, cucumber, Chamomile
260 kJ/mol – Imagination – Lilac, Lavender, Violets
280 kJ/mol – Charisma – Rose, Ginder, Pink Grapefruit
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